When do Guernsey County’s borders extend all the way to New testament-era Jerusalem? During the annual summer season of The Living Word Outdoor Drama Ohio’s only outdoor passion play.
The Living Word was founded in 1975 by Biblical Dramatist Frank Roughton Harvey, who also researched and designed the mammoth 400-foot outdoor set to be an authentic representation of Old Jerusalem during the life and crucifixion of Jesus. Since that time, nearly half a million visitors have witnessed this touching one-of-a-kind, not-for-profit outdoor theater experience.
This year’s season runs Fridays only in July and August and Fridays & Saturdays in September. Special theme nights and group rates for church, school and tour groups are also available. Concessions and a gift shop are open before and after each show.

Saturday, August 19 only, families can participate in The Jerusalem Experience from 2-5 p.m. Enjoy a day of costume making, carpentry, games, food, animals, Shofar lessons and more in this outdoor Vacation Bible School-like environment! Tickets for this special event are $10 adults (13-up) and free for children 3-12. (Note: there will be no performance that evening.)
For more information on this and other local events, check out visitguernseycounty.com/events.